
Self-Regulation Professional Learning Series



Full course description

The Department of Education, Culture and Employment (ECE) is partnering with Paula Jurczak, Self-Regulation Consultant, to provide educators an opportunity to explore well being from a self-regulation lens to develop personal strategies to flourish.

Six recorded Webinars will re-envision well being.

Each month, a new 20 minute recorded webinar will be made available to you.  These webinars which are available on-demand throughout 2022,  include reflective activities and questions to deepen learning. 

Oct: Reimagining Well Being (Beginning October 21st, 2022)

Nov: Safety(Beginning November 15th, 2022)

Dec: Rooted (Beginning December 15th, 2022)

Jan: Balanced (Beginning January 15th, 2023)

Feb: Capable (Beginning February 15th, 2023)

Mar: Trusted (Beginning March 15th, 2023)

Sign up for this course today!
